Should I Be Buying Organic?

There has been a lot of confusion around whether or not buying organic food products is better for our health and the environment. Here is some information that will help with understanding the benefits and disadvantages of eating organic and will hopefully make those shopping trips a lot less stressful. 

Many animals raised for food are fed antibiotics and hormones, while plants are exposed to pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and may contain genetically modified materials. Organic meat comes from animals that are raised in a natural setting, with no antibiotics or hormones, and are fed 100% organic food. Organic produce should not contain any chemical pesticides or fertilizers, along with no GMOs. 

Eating organic foods is both healthier for the planet and human health, because antibiotics can contribute to antibiotic resistance in people, and pesticide exposure has been linked to various health conditions. Organic dairy and meat also contain more omega-3s than conventional animal products. However, the nutritional quality of conventional produce is approximately the same as that of organic produce. 

While buying organic food sounds ideal, this is often not feasible for most people due to increased costs. If finances are a barrier and it is not in your budget to buy organic (you are not alone), eating conventional fruits and veggies is better than not eating any at all. Consider the following…

1. Buying foods that are grown locally and in season. These will likely have reduced transportation costs and these purchases would support your local farmers. 

2. The Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen: The Environmental Working Group, an activist group based in the US, created the dirty dozen and clean fifteen. The dirty dozen is a list of 12 fruits or vegetables that contain the highest amounts of pesticide and chemical residues. If you are looking to prioritize which products should be bought organic, the items on this list should definitely be considered. The clean fifteen is a list of 15 produce products that contain the least amounts of pesticides and chemicals. Generally, the conventional versions of these items are safe for consumption. Be sure to search these lists annually as they change depending on the crops each year.

3. Grow a garden! What better way to know the source and quality of your produce than by growing it yourself? This would also be a great opportunity to spend some quality time in nature. 

While it may be healthier for us and better for the environment to switch to an organic diet, making so many changes can be overwhelming and unaffordable. Just remember that the changes you make don’t have to be drastic. Little changes can go a very long way!

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